Season to Shift Mastermind


Feel like you’re playing small in life and leaving your potential on the table? In this six-week mastermind, you will let go of static stories and step into possibility.

Season to Shift starts September 25th.

Life has chapters. But you get to write the story.

This six-week mastermind is for you if:

Season to Shift is the perfect, playful, communal space to flip the script and create space for fresh possibilities in your everyday life. You are worthy of nurturing your identity outside of your work and caregiving roles.

"Whitney herself is electric! Speaking with her, working with her....she gets to the heart of what you're trying to figure out in a way that is playful, yet powerful and insightful. You can tell she's a natural explorer of the mind and the world. When working with her, she truly creates an environment where I've felt I could let go and explore the questions I've actually wanted to ask myself and the answers I've been avoiding. She has been integral in helping me solve the riddle of why 'who I had become' didn't feel like 'who I was meant to be'....while of course, laughing and having so much fun along the way. I'm forever grateful for Whitney and her megawatt-self!"
-Rachel J.

Let's go!

Starting in January, you will be reintroduced to your desires, possibilities and inner guidance system.

We meet every week for six weeks for hour-long live sessions where you will experience guided meditations, writing exercises and group discussions.


You'll enjoy doable weekly assignments (like solo play dates!) and daily rituals to practice each week to integrate your discoveries.


This group attracts like-minded women who are ready to up-level their lives. You'll enjoy peer accountability and community support.

What to expect:

The program runs for six weeks with live weekly calls every Wednesday at 11 am CT. You’ll want to take advantage of the energy on our live calls, but call recordings will be available. 

You will leave each call with a fun homework assignment to deepen your shift during your week and a daily ritual to implement throughout the week.

Throughout this program, you will tune into yourself, see your life and work through a fresh lens, and feel energized by a community of women cheering you on every step of the way!



This is all You'll Need:

60 minutes each week to join a Zoom call from a quiet space.


A journal or notebook and pens and an open mind. 


A commitment to exploring small, daily shifts and easy weekly homework assignments.


A willingness to try something different to achieve a different outcome.

Ready to mark your calendar and commit to making a shift?

I'm ready to shift!

Season to Shift Mastermind will start on September 25th.

“Whitney is friendly, light, approachable and easy to connect with. She uses her passion and life experiences to challenge us to think about what we need for ourselves-what’s missing and where are we getting stuck. Her workshops are thought-provoking and helped me gain so much insight into my personal goals. I walked away knowing what I needed to do and how to get there.”
-Saioa A.

It's Your Time

I know what it’s like as a mom to get sucked into survival mode. Sometimes you don’t realize how much you abandoned your own desires and needs along the way of navigating family, work and life. I believe on the deepest level that mothers can change the world. But we have to know how to show up for ourselves before we can best serve others.

You’re always creating a structure for others, so I’ve created this structure for you to rest into. You get to reconnect with yourself and your desires and it gets to be FUN! It’s not another line on your to-do list. In fact, by learning to show up better for yourself, your energy increases and the rest of life becomes naturally easier to navigate.

This is a powerful invitation to show up for yourself in the way you’ve been showing up for everyone else. This is the space I wish I would have had years ago when I was finding my way back to myself in the midst of busy schedules, family needs and an evolving career. If you’re ready to find that “something more,” let’s make it a joyful ride.

What others are saying

Justo vestibulum risus imperdiet consectetur consectetur pretium urna nibh augue etiam risus accumsan volutpat urna, eu semper enim, est aliquam laoreet urna fringilla.
Olivia Holmes
Ullamcorper enim at amet eget faucibus morbi ornare feugiat posuere blandit donec sit quis lectus eget faucibus scelerisque cras duis.
Julia Moore